Saskatoon Sport District


The annual membership fee is $20.00 for our fiscal year April 1st to March 31st. Membership allows you to participate in as many activities as your time and energy will allow.

For general information about the Saskatoon Sport District contact Sheldon Kraus at

Summer Activities 2024

BOWLING 5-Pin – Eastview Bowl, 2929 Louise Street at 2:30 pm every second Thursday.

BOWLING Lawn – contact Coordinator.

BOWLING Short Mat – season over until fall.

CROSS COUNTRY SKIING – See you next winter.

CURLING – Linda Lund

CYCLING – contact Vi Mizuno for starting date when the snow melts, biking included.

DARTS – contact Sheila Kennedy to get started again.

8 BALL – contact Dennis Puff for a schedule. Those who wish to play Snooker may play.

GOLF – tournaments & clinics in the spring/summer at Silverwood Golf Course.

KAISER – at Fairfield Seniors Center, 103 Fairmont Court; 1:00 pm on the first and third
Tuesday of each month.

PICKLEBALL – see SSFA Saskatoon Pickleball for up-to-date venues and playing time schedules.

PHOTOGRAPHY – Contact Massey Mizuno

POETRY & SHORT STORY – Joanne Sorenson

SHUFFLE BOARD –FLOOR – play over until September

SLO-PITCH – will start when weather is favorable until October

SWIMMING – contact Denise Gilewicz

TENNIS – Coordinator required. Lakewood Indoor Tennis Club Mon. – Fri. 9:30 – 11:00 am.

TRACK & FIELD – contact Judy for the program

VOLLEYBALL – play ended until September

WALKING – we encourage everyone to walk every day. Require Coordinator.

YOGA – Vi Mizuno is coordinating it for now. Contact Vi for details.

Everyone is welcome to participate in as many activities as your time and energy permit.  Most activities have a small fee.

For dates and times of these activities, please contact the Activity Coordinators on the directory below.


Committee Members & Activity Coordinators

Committee Members & Activity Coordinators 2024 (pdf)


Saskatoon Sport District Newsletter Spring 2024

Upcoming Events

SSFA Provincial 55+ Games

The Provincial 55+ Games will be hosted in Rivers West District in the city of North Battleford June 11, 12 & 13, 2024.

For more information, visit the SSFA Provincial 55+ Games website.

SSFA Provincial 55+ Games Schedule of Events

SSFA Provincial 55+ Games poster

List of Battlefords accommodations (PDF)

The district games were held this fall to determine who is interested in competing at the Provincial 55+ Games in 2024.

Video: Saskatchewan Senior Fitness Association Games - SaskTel maxTV Local (2024)

Canada 55+ Games

The Canada 55+ Games will be held in Quebec City on August 27 to 30, 2024.

Game Results

For past Provincial and Canada Games Results, Click here.