For general information about this district, email
SSFA RWD membership (with voting privileges) is open to Rivers West District residents 50+ years of age. An associate membership (with no voting privilege) is available to Rivers West District residents who are less than 50 years of age.
SSFA RWD invites residents of the district to become members. With a membership, workshops, clinic, and games opportunities become yours!
Join today! The annual membership is $10. This includes the SSFA membership. The membership year is April 1st to March 31st. Memberships are due annually.
SSFA Rivers West District Membership Form for 2024-2025 (April 1st, 2024-March 31st, 2025)
SSFA RWD Board of Directors
Inquiries or questions about SSFA Rivers West District can be made to
SSFA RWD Board Members
Cheryl Myers | Chairperson | Lloydminster |
Marion Blain | Secretary Vice Chair |
Cutknife |
Cynthia Tymoruski | Treasurer | North Battleford |
Cecilia Leibel | Provincial Rep Games Rep |
Denzil |
Linda Ellenor | Alternate Provincial Rep | Rapid View |
Rivers West District for Sport Culture and Recreation
Contact information
Rivers West District for Sport Culture Recreation
Cynthia Tymoruski, Program Development
Box 822, North Battleford, SK, S9A 2Z3
(306)446-6776 Phone
(306)446-7172 Fax
Upcoming Activities
- Physical Activities:
- Track & Field Club in Unity/Wilkie
- Pickleball Workshop in Rapid View
- District Games events
- Cultural and Social Activities:
- Barn Quilt Painting: Neilburg, Denzil, Marsden, Herschel, Meota (if grant is approved)
- Poker Walks in Meadow Lake/Makwa area
- Intellectual Activities:
- Gardening workshop with guest instructor: Thunderchild, Medstead, Marsden, Unity or Meadow Lake (if grant is approved)
- Walking:
- Walkability Challenge: application in to RWD office attention - Cynthia
Volunteer With Us
Be the person to share activity information with your community.
Consider joining our board. We would love to have new members!
Games Results
For past Provincial and Canada Games Results, click here.